Sunday, August 23, 2009

Harness Your Students Digital Smarts

Vicki Davis is a pioneer in education. As we know many students do not have access to computers at home. It is crucial for students to know so many skills in order to succeed academically. She is exposing her students to so many new ideas and technology that they will certainly need in the future.
The only thing that concerns me is that not all public schools have the equipment and tools necessary to educate children. Many budgets are being cut and the funds are just not there. This really saddens me for the students. They are the one's that are really suffering.

The Importance of Creativity

I could not agree with Mr. Robinson any more. He has a brilliant outlook on educating our children through their own talents and creativity and not closing their doors. I have not had creativity in schools presented to me in this manner. We expect our children to be creative with the material placed in front of them. We don't let our children create with the material and tools they have been naturally given. Educators expect children to learn what is thought to be important and of value. This stress and requirement is placed on educators by society and what is thought to what is "good and true".
When he spoke about children with ADD and ADHD, I was completely taken back. Society tells us to medicate those children so that they can sit still in class and we can teach them what we want them to learn and that we can remove their natural creativity. I have a different outlook in trying to educate and foster creativity in my classroom.

Did You Know? 3.0 and Mr. Winkle Wakes

The video posted on U Tube entitled, "Did You Know? 3.0 was very interesting to me. It listed so many facts that I was completely unaware of. Some of the information was not surprising to me and some was very surprising. I knew that India was well ahead of the United States when it came to education. I had no I idea in the rate of growth on the Internet. Google is certainly dominating much of that growth.
It is astonishing that as an educator today, I will be training and teaching children to do jobs that don't even exist. This puzzles me a bit. How are we to be prepared as educators? I really think this shows the importance of technology in the classroom and how imperative it is for educators to be educated themselves. With this being said, I was taken back to know that most computer majors will not need the information that they learned the first year of school by their third year because it will be outdated. This is a great example to show how important it is for educators to keep up with the exponential growth of technology.
Mr. Winkle Wakes, was a silly but meaningful description of how far the world has come over the past 100 years. It was very blatant in showing that we are surrounded by technology everywhere we go. Where would we be without it? Our population/ generation depends on it completely. I can hardly remember life without it.
On the other hand, this video also makes a huge statement about how technology fits into the school classroom. We as a society are very behind in filling our classrooms with technology. American children do not have the resources that they need to keep up with the growth of the Internet and technology in their classrooms. This must change. How can we train them for the future without the proper tools?

A Little About Me

Hello. I am a junior at the University of South Alabama. My major is Elementary Education. I have been in college this time around for 2 years. I attended the University of Alabama at Birmingham from 96-00. I have been married for ten years and have four children. I am a part time student and full time Mom.

I love to spend time with my family, read, and travel with my family. Our favorite destinations are Walt Disney World and Gatlinburg, TN. My husband and I are foster parents. Three of our children are birth children and we currently have one foster child that we are in the process of adopting. I am a member of Cottage Hill Baptist Church. I have lived in Mobile for almost 4 years and am originally from Birmingham. I love living close to the beach.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Welcome Aboard!

Hello All! Welcome to my blogspot. I am really excited about learning how to set up a blogspot. I want to do one for my family once I get the hang of things.