Monday, October 26, 2009

Comments4 Kids

photo by unknown

I just blogged with Yasir. He is a student at Bluford Elementary School. He described his trip to the art gallery and what was most exciting for him. He enjoyed taking pictures with the statue, a play that they watched, and the scavenger hunt.

If you would like to view the blog at Bluford Elementary school click here.

Dear Kaia

picture by Jabiz Raisdana

First of all I am completely surprised at the distance a father's curiosity has traveled. He went outside with his daughter, Kaia, after reading a book about the "The Last Child In The Woods" to take photographs. These were then posted on their blog page for family and friends to enjoy and suddenly he is skyping with a class in rural Missouri. The Internet never ceases to amaze me. It is a truly powerful tool.

I did read the post by Kaia's Dad on his concerns of posting pictures of his daughter on the Internet. I do agree with Mr. Chamberlain, this is a chance that we take, but all we have to do if we ever feel uncomfortable is block the page and turn the computer off.

This entire ensemble of events is a great example of how we can learn from anyone, anywhere in the world. I love the fact that Mr. Chamberlain's students made a video for Kaia and her father skyped with his class to answer their questions. This was everyone learning together.

If you would like to view Kaia's blog click here.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Comments 4 kids- Jenna

I read a post written by a student named Jenna in Mr. Goerend's class. She informed everyone about I.A.L.A.C.D. If you didn't know this is International Act Like A Clown Day. This day is on June 12th. If you would like to view this class blog click here.

New Media Skills

a wordle image
The new media skills that were covered on the Utube video were interesting to think about. I can remember when my cousin next door got their first computer in the early 80's. It was a DOS based system and we thought it was so advanced. I really had no idea how computers would later integrate and become part of my daily life.

I use my own judgement daily as to how I will be part of the wide world of media. I am an avid user of many media skills. I think that we have to be great at multitasking in todays technilogical society. If not how will we be able to function at school, in the workplace, or for that matter in the world.

I certainly do not possess all of the new media skills that were spoken about in the video. I probably don't possess any of them to their fullest potential. I am learning everyday and becoming more and more comfortable in our media driven society. I really like being able to have anything thing that I want to know right at my fingertips.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Blogging with 5th graders

Source:Jonathan Feinberg
I just finished blogging with a 5th grader in Ms. Hudson's class. My student loves pug dogs. I told him/ her about my dog Lucy. Lucy is a boxer and she is a very hyper dog. She is a great family dog.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

This Is How We Dream

Source: You Tube

The possibilities in writing with media are endless. It is almost overwhelming to think of where to begin. Every part of history is available to us via video. We can give our students the ability and free reign to be creative. To express themselves and what they have learned in a video collaboration.

I can't even imagine the many different interpretations that a teacher would get back from her students on one simple topic of discussion. Students today are very interested in media in any form. I think that this is a way of holding their attention and keeping their interest. They will certainly learn so much more if they are an active participant in the collaboration of information and not just memorizing for a written fill in the blank test.

To view his video

Wendy Drexler

I love the idea of connectivism. I think that this is the new way of learning. As educators we need to be prepared to teach our students how to navigate in the world of technology. We need to prepare them for their future and how to grab hold of all of the possibilities and tools that are available for them to use.

I really think that the presentation done was simple yet, effective. It was very captivating even thought it was straight forward. The timing was long enough to hold the viewers attention yet short enough not to lose their interest.

Duke University and ipod experiment
Duke University stepped out on a limb and gave 1600 of their freshman students ipod's in 2004. They were doing an experiment to determine the impact that having easy accessibility to lectures would make on their students. They in turn encourage the instructors to utilize the ipod's in five major categories. These categories were: 1) As a course content tool 2)Classroom recording tool 3) Field recording tool 4) study support tool 5) File storage and transfer.

The students and faculty identified the benefits of ipod usage for higher learning as a convenience to learn, flexibility in learning, effective and an easy tool, enhanced student engagement and interest in class discussion, and enhanced support for individual learning.

I was not surprised at all by the findings and benefits of ipod usage by faculty and students. I think that the way students are going to learn in the future is constantly changing and I commend Duke for being one of the first institutions of higher learning to prove this for us.

iTunes U, Education

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

iTunes U could be such a great tool for a teacher if all of his or her students have access to a computer or ipod at home. If this is the case the students could listen to and watch lectures previously recorded via podcast or video cast. I know that I personally would listen to lectures for my "burp back" information classes in which memorization is required to pass the class if I could download them onto my ipod and then listen to them while I run in the mornings.

If students don't have access to a computer or ipod at home a teacher could bring the technology to the students in the classroom and download podcast or videocast lectures or topics covering material being learned in the classroom. It would be a refreshing change for the students to hear another teacher from another country teach them their lesson that day. I certainly think it would mix things up a little in the classroom and keep the students interested.

Dr. Christie's Website

I would definitely utilize the section on GPS and Geo caching from Dr. Christie's website. I want to teach 4th or 5th graders and I think that they are ready for this technology. There are many local areas in Mobile that have Geo caching sites and could possibly be chosen as a field trip. If not we could have our own Geo caching search with GPS locator's.

I think that her website and its links would help me in my explanation of how the satellites circling the earth work and how we use GPS to locate the Geocach. Here at South Alabama I learned to Geocach in my Geography lab and loved it. I had never heard of it until then and have now found several local sites and state parks that are "Geocach ready". It is like a technology based scavenger hunt and who doesn't love technology and scavenger hunts.