Sunday, September 13, 2009

Karl Fisch and the Fischbowl

I got really tickled when I was reading his blog on being a technically literate teacher. He is really passionate about it and it shows. Although, some of his thoughts could be thought of as being a little extreme, he makes very valid points. How can we expect our students to learn what we don't know. I really related with his thoughts on being computer illiterate and how society thinks that this is ok. Well it is not ok, people who don't know how to maneuver around in the world of technology are going to be really lost very soon. They really should already be lost, but they are somehow getting by. I know so many people who refuse to learn how to make their lives so much easier by using technology. I think that the world will just eventually force them to learn otherwise they will not be able to function in our society.

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